Weyhey Guys, I got tag from Yohanna, Diprath and Shabrina , sorry yaa baru ngerjain tag sekarang :) wahaha, soalnya lagi pingin vakum dari blog, oke langsung capcus!
* Post this rule.
* Write 11 things about yourself.
* Answer the question the tagger set to you.
* Create 11 new questions for those you want to tag.
* Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post.
* You are not allowed to tag back.
- 11 things about me
- Addicted with Liam James Payne
- I'm silly and crazy girl!
- Live in Yogyakarta , Indonesia
- Have thick and dry hair :s *i'm really want have wet hair! it mean...yeah you know
- Want to be profesional photographer
- I can breathe!
- Blue and Red are my favorite colour
- i'm unique
- If i meet stranger , i'm be a silent. But if i meet my best friends , i'm be a super crazy
- I can't talk english well, but I tried to talk english well
- Hate math
- Question from Yohanna
* What musical instruments can you play?
pianika :s, but i can play piano
* Android or Blackberry?
* Bali or Bandung?
* Do you agree if Fatin Shidqia dan Mikha Angelo in relationship? why?
I don't think so, cause they are doesn't match
* Do you like the food of Indonesia? if you like what food?
Yes very much, I like rendang, gudeg, bakwan kawi
* Cheese or chocolate?
Chocolate, and little bit cheese
* Are you like bule?
* What do you think about "Cakka Nuraga" ?
Handsome boy from Yogyakarta
* Line, WeChat, or instagram?
Line! and little bit instagram :p
* Who is your favorite artist in Indonesian?
hmm, Agnes Monica
- Question from Shabrina
- Nama account twitter nya apa? ~ @althaedwita *follow boleh lho
- Punya blackberry or android? ~ gak dua2 nya pinginnya android!
- Biasnya siapa? ~ Bias? o_o
- Suka anime? ~ sedikit :p
- Agamanya apa? ~Katolik
- Pernah difitnah gak sama orang? ~PERNAH BINGITS
- Kejadian paling memalukan? ~teriak-teriak gajelas di tempat umum
- Sering gosok gigi? ~sering lah -__- km enggak kan? :p
- Cowo banci kaya or kece miskin? ~kece miskin lah
- Suka banget sama K-ON atau biasa aja? ~biasa zaja
- Question from Diprath
* What's your future goals?
my future goals are, my parent must to proud have me, and can be a photographer
* Who do you want to be?
* Who is your inspiration?
Liam James Payne
* What things do you want to buy but yet accomplished?
A camera DSLR, and android ;3
* Friend or Family?
* Education or Hobby?
* Comic or Novel?
Oh i can't choose the one! -__-
* Singer or Actress/Actor?
ALL! i can't choose :p
* What is your favorite day? Why?
Saturday and Sunday because it's weekend
* Who do you want to meet now?
* Smart or Dilligent? Why?
Diligent because smart doesn't mean dilligent (?) wkwk
my future goals are, my parent must to proud have me, and can be a photographer
* Who do you want to be?
* Who is your inspiration?
Liam James Payne
* What things do you want to buy but yet accomplished?
A camera DSLR, and android ;3
* Friend or Family?
* Education or Hobby?
* Comic or Novel?
Oh i can't choose the one! -__-
* Singer or Actress/Actor?
ALL! i can't choose :p
* What is your favorite day? Why?
Saturday and Sunday because it's weekend
* Who do you want to meet now?
* Smart or Dilligent? Why?
Diligent because smart doesn't mean dilligent (?) wkwk
- My Question yeah!
- Tinggal dimana?
- Suka sama 1D? kalo suka , pilih siapa?
- Chibi, Smash, ato Blink?
- 1D, The Wanted, ato The beatles?
- Jomblo ngenes ato Jomblo bahagia?
- Moment-moment paling istimewa yg km inget ada?
- Cowo cuek ato Cowo crewet?
- Benda ato harapan apa yg km pingin banget?
- Pernah gak km pacaran paling lama berapa bulan/tahun/minggu?
- Apa sih kesukaan kamu?
- Orang yg paling memotivasi km?
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